For old time's sake.


Today we will have a short overview of old data-/time-related packages listed as follows:

Those modules are very easily to use but have some shortcomings. The old-time(System.Time) has poor supporting on locale and formating and lack functions to manipulate times. And the TimeDiff is not very sueful. The old-locale(System.Locale), however, is not very out-dated.


The old-locale package provides module System.Locale allowing to adapt to local conventions. There is just one single structure defined.

The TimeLocale

The difference bewteen Data.Time.Format.TimeLocale and System.Locale.TimeLocale is very ignorable. The most significant one is that the has knownTimeZones :: [TimeZone] instead of intervals :: [(String, String)].


The package time-locale-compat is a interface for importing different versions of TimeLocale. If the version of time is greater then 1.5.0, it will import Data.Time.Format and import System.Locale for otherwise.


The old-time package provide the System.Time module that contains three distinct structures for representing times:

The ClockTime

The first one is used to represent raw system time in two integers.

One can extract system clock time by using

Besides ClockTime there is also a structure for recording differenct between two clock times

The CalendarTime

The second structure in this module is CalendarTime which will store time in a human-friendly structure:

Also, this module defines several converting function between CalendarTime, ClockTime and String. Read old-time for more details.


There is a tiny package, time-compat, providing single typeclass ToUTCTime that define a function toUTCTime to convert an old-time structure to a Data.Time.UTCTime.

  1. It’s an simple example for {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}.

[Tags: haskell, packages, time]